The seller agrees to furnish the buyer with the necessary health information, including all shot and worming records. The AKC registration applications will be signed and executed at the time of the purchase. The buyer understands that this puppy will be eligible for permanent registration with the AKC and has been informed on how to go about the process of registration. Deposits / Payments / Shipping 1. Puppies are reserved and held with a Deposit. Deposits are $500.00. Deposits must be paid by the following methods; cash, Debit/Credit Card or Pay Pal. Pay Pal charges a fee of 3.0%. If you use your credit card 3.0% must be added to the total. Once Vom HochKlasse Rottweiler Kennel receives the deposit the puppy will be marked and considered sold. 2. Puppy will be placed on "hold" for Two business days, while waiting for a deposit. If deposit is not received in that time, the puppy will be placed back up for sale. 3. Deposits are NON REFUNDABLE, except in cases of premature death, prior to the delivery of your puppy to you. If you change your mind and do not want or cannot take your puppy, you forfeit your deposit. 4. Buyer will pay the entire remaining balance by the time the puppy is 6 weeks old. A check or money order can be used but will be required to clear the bank before the buyer acquires the puppy. Buyer will have puppy paid for in full by the time it is 6 weeks old and picked up or shipped by the time it is 8 weeks old. There will be a $35.00 per week boarding charge, plus any other expenses if buyer’s check hasn’t cleared or buyer is not able to pick up puppy. Two weeks or more with no attempts to make pick up arrangements, or a check hasn’t cleared, the buyer then forfeits the puppy and any deposits or payments made on puppy, unless other arrangements are made with Vom HochKlasse Rottweilers Kennel. Your puppy from Vom HochKlasse Kennels is guaranteed... 1. The buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a Licensed Veterinarian within 48 hours after delivery time for a complete physical examination. If the Veterinarian finds the puppy to have a serious physical condition other than a viral or bacterial cold or bacterial infection, such as Coccidia or Giardia (bloody stools), which is easily treated, and such an inheritable defect is documented by a Veterinarian and presented to the seller with sufficient supporting evidencethe seller will replace the puppy with another puppy of comparable or better quality, when available from same or upcoming litter, after the first puppy is returned to the seller. "No Cash Refunds" 2. The seller reserves the right to a second Veterinarian opinion at the expense of the seller. If the puppy is not examined by a Veterinarian within 48 hours after delivery time, all guarantees listed are not valid. No monies will be refunded. Puppies are at risk for Coccidia and Giardia (bloody stools) which is often brought on by the stress of shipping, a new home, new food, new people, change of climate or surroundings. etc. Puppies shipped also seem more prone to have bouts with Coccidia or Giardia (bloody stools). Another thing that may show up with shipping and/or the stress of moving and a new home is Kennel Cough (Bordatella-a raspy cough may be signs of this) which is common in dogs that are shipped and is usually caused by bacteria. Kennel cough is self limiting and like the common cold, it must run its course. Full recovery is expected and kennel cough, Coccidia or Giardia on their own are not life threatening. All puppies are treated and vaccinated for Coccidiosis, Giardia and Kennel Cough, before they leave. However, you need to be aware that these things can arise and that they are usually not serious (even though seeing blood in the stool appears serious) and are easily treated. We will not cover the treatment for them. 3. To be current on wormings and shots and have received vaccinations and wormings depending on age. No replacements will be given in case of Parvo. If your dog is used in any sort of illegal activity (i.e. dog fighting) or in any extreme sports (i.e. weight pulling), or is mistreated, malnourished, abused or not taken care of, the guarantee is completely null and void. We do not breed dogs with Bad Temperament or bad hips, There is no guarantee or warranty that the buyer will be able to breed or show the dog purchased, regardless of show or breeding potential. General Information- . Give the puppy time and keep him away from stress as much as possible the first 10 days or so. Hold him in your lap at the Vet. Like Hospitals, where sick people are all over, vet offices see sick dogs nearly every day. It may take him a few days of rest to be himself again. This is normal. We strongly suggest that you do not expose your new puppy to new things until you have had him for 2 weeks. Keep him in your yard, hold him if you cannot. He is a baby just like a human baby. same thing with baby puppies. Pups are current on their vaccinations including- Parvo Vaccine, Para influenza and bordetella when they leave Vom HochKlasse Rottweiler Kennels. You will need to give several more when the pup gets a bit older. Speak with your vet about what is appropriate for your area. The incubation period on Parvo is 2-10 days. Just because a puppy is current on vaccinations, this does not mean he is immune. You will be given a Puppy Health Form with your dog. This will detail what vaccinations and wormings he has had and when. The Buyer Agrees to the Following: 1. If for any reason buyer is not able to keep this pup/dog, it must be returned to breeder with all necessary paperwork signed and turned over without any money refund. 2. Buyer Agrees to start the name of the puppy with the alphabetical letter that the breeder indicates, and use the kennel name “Vom HochKlasse” as the prefix in the registered name of the dog, Otherwise the contract and guarantee will be void 3. Maintain up to date vaccines, wormings, and to keep the dog / pup in humane conditions, providing proper food, water and shelter. Faustino Rodriguez Vom HochKlasse Kennel |
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